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          A word of precaution to the reader. The content of these commentaries are based on the ancient agnostic teachings of Torah, and the Gospel. If you are under 18 years of age then you should consult with your parents as to wheather or not they approve of you enlightening yourselve to the point of view that is expressed. If you are Roman Catholic and subject to Vatican sensership of enlightenment this page does not meat the standard set by the Roman Catholic Church, and you should refrain from readig these commentaries. If you are a fanatical Christian and are affended by any viewpoints on the teachings of Yahshuah ben David of Nazareth that is not one and the same as yours, you should refrain from reading these commentaries, as you may well be affended. It is not my intentions to offend anyone by the viewpoints expressed in these commentaries, by rather to enlighten those who seek to understand the ancient agnostic teachings of Torah, with a humanistic viewpoint that makes sense.
         To publishers and inter net police. According to current copyright law, it is not against copyright rulings to publish electronic or photographic copies of published works without the publishers permission if it is for the purpose of documentation. Although there are no published works on this site at this time save my own I reserve the right to take advantage of the full benefit of the copyright laws and publish electronic and or photographic copies of published works for the purpose of documenting chronicles of history and theology that varify the points being made, and have absolutely no intention to publish them for the purpose of re-sale which is illegal.


A little wine for your stomach

The Swashtika is it really of the antichrist