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![]() ![]() The Swashtika
The swastika has been a subject of ridicule and condemnation from Christianity for several generations. It has become not only symbolic of the crimes against humanity committed by the Nazi’s in world war two, but has also been accepted as a symbol of the legendary anti-Christ. But the reality of that, is that it is one of the most miss understood symbols of the Christian era.
The swastika itself originates with the original Arian movement that was created by Arius of the orient who vehemently opposed the doctrines of the anastasians, who were followers of Anastasius. Anastasius taught that since the children of Israel borrowed the precious gems and metals from the Egyptions, but didn’t take slaves, that it was well within the will of the universal God to take the Ideologies or teachings of heathen nations that were considered to be treasures and incorporate them into the Gospel, and the testimony of the deciples of Yahshuah ben David of Nazareth. As well Anastasius taught that since the word Chistios had two I’s and I was the supurlative phonetic in ancient semitic, and the Greek omega (O) was simbolic of eternity, and it ended with the S which is used as a personification factor in ancient Greek and modern day Hebrew, then Christ was equal to God and was God; hence the moder day Roman Catholic christmass eve mass notes that God came down from heaven in 752, when peace and harmony was established through out the earth ( the establishment of the Roman empire 752 BC) in the sixth age (Zoroastinism,ancient babylonian),about the time of the 126th Greek olympiad (greek Culture), and placed his spirit in a woman (no mention of a daughter of Israel denoting anti semitism) and became a man 9 months later according to the laws of the flesh.
This of course denotes the doctrines of Anastasius still honored today. Hence the modern day bible as we know it evolved from this dogma, and the movement that eventually became the ancient Holy Roman Church; As the first Euconomical council of Nicaea, dated at 325 CE by secular historians; sided with the doctrines of the Anastasians,and outlawed the doctrines of the Arians. Ultimately the Anastasians who later became recognized as Catholics, ruled that the Arians were the personification of all heretics.
Interestingly enough, Arius did not believe in the physical God which was incorporated into the doctrines of Anastasius, and as well refused to agree with there doctrines that Yahshuah ben David was born of virgin birth by virtue of the universal God placing his spirit in the virgin Mary; but maintained that Yahshuah ben David was born of virgin birth by virture of the Holy spirit of Yudah being anointed in the virgin Mary to a high enough level that it was capable of bringing foth a child of virgin birth. This belief was based on the teachings of Genesis, that taugh that Eunoch was born of virgin birth, in the ancient Septuigent scriptures in The fifth chapter; which was abolished by Protestant Christianity in the early 1900's; as it is written (and Eve bore Adam a son and his name was Eunoch). This notes that Eunoch was born of virgin birth in the seventh generatin of righteousness, a eunoch of virgin birth and a prophet, with the spirit of Adam alive and sentient within, along with the spirt of the seven arch princes. And again (and Eunoch walked with Theos [Yahweh] 365 years, and Yahweh took him from the earth. Some scholars note that the doctrines of the anastasians were created by Annaniusus, but Annaniusus was the man who was struck dead in the testemony of the deciples, for lyeing to Peter about holding back money from selling his property, and posesions, and supposible giving all that it was worth to the movement. But this only notes the work of catholocism at it’s finest, as it was the nature of Annaniasus and his wife to not believe completely in commiting themselves the the holy one to provide for others that were less fortunate, but rather to secretely keep some money for themselves, so they would not have to suffer like the rest in hard times.
Hence the ancient Roman catholic doctrines of unequality is punishment for sin. Annaniusus believe that he was better than the rest and was more righteous, because he was blessed financialy, and chose to keep some of the money he got for his property and possesion, because he thought that the others were unequal to him, and therefore he deserved more. But Annaniusus can also mean son of Aniasus; who according to the ancient Greek scriptures of the book of acts which are no longer accepted by modern day Chistian scholars, was the head of the metal workers union for the Greek Goddess Diana, who plotted to have the deciples put to death, because their teachings that Gods did not exist were destroying them economicaly, as this was the ultimate outcome of the efforts of the saints to live in true communism, and abstain from eating meat sacrificed to Gods, or superiors, in Ideology temple. The fact is the ancient Greeks were catholic and agnostic, and in all practicality so were the followers of Yahshuah ben David; save being catholic.
That’s right! The word Suez which is commonly taught to be God in the gnostic Christian teachings actually means the personification of all that is superior, and in the ananimate the personification of all superior authorities. But this was understood in ancient anostic Greek society as Theos, which of course is also taught to mean God, but in reality actually means the personification of all thought. The word Theos actually is the plural tense of the word Theo which means thought or contemplation, and Theos employs the plural tense as a personification factor, to make it the personification of all thought and the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of all things in this universe, which correlates to the ancient agnostic understanding of Yahweh, in the sense of the holy spirit of wisdom that was given to Adam when he was created, that was the combined collective consciousness of the seven arch princes, or arch angels in the gnostic. In accordance with the ancient Yahwist oral traditions of Genesis 2:7 which is interpreted by the metaphorical understanding of the language, (Yahweh humbled congregtion intelect Adam, became he homo-erectous fully evolved but not perfected).
This in itself was one of the points that Arius opposed in the doctrines of the anestasians.They incorporated the pagan belief of Gods into the Gospel in order to create a universal (catholic) bible, for the purpose of conversion. The true fact of the matter is that the profit Isaiah renounced the existence of Gods and Christianity simply removed his words that Gods did not exist from the bible. Needless to say that the deciples also renounced the existence of Gods by teaching people to not eat food sacrificed to Gods, because they new that gods did not exist. But most importantly the annastasians incorporated the same mistake that the elders of Israel incorporated into Judaism, honoring the teachings of men instead of the teachings of the holy one who lives within us eternaly and guides us to wisdom if we seek him.
But this did not serve the expediencies of the ancient Roman church, or the Roman Empire; as their primary concern was centered around anesthisising the wide spread of communisium that destroyed the Roman empire, and Ultimately the Arians were sought out and persecuted, and the swashtika became a symbol of the revenge of Adam against the Catholics.
The actions of The Catholics ultimately caused all of the original scriptures to be confiscated, and replaced with catholic scriptures. In reality, from the agnostic point of view, the Roman created God is in fact Ceasar geneticaly engeneered into the minds of their followers, as Ceasar was God in the ancient Roman culture. And there is no doubt in my mind that modern day Christianities understanding of God is Ceasar made eternal.
This is the reason why there were no available scriptures that dated back before 400 CE, until the re-excavation of the dead sea caves in 1956, as the first scrolls were discovered in 1909 but the who matter was forgotten, and the full complete scroll of Isaiah was sold to the arch bishop of Syria, along with two other scrolls for 250 thousand dollars, which were labled the Damascus scrolls,and the Syrian text of Isaiah,and no further excavation was done, until they were accidentally re-discovered in 1956, by a small Shepard boy looking for a lost goat.
The swashtika itself is symbolic of the cross of Mithredath who was the Persian savior. Ancient Babylonian mythologies maintain that Nimrod was resurrected by Mithredath on his birthday; that being December 25th in the form of an evergreen tree bearing gifts. This ultimately became the modern day Christmas, which was originally called Xmass by the ancient Roman church. This practice originates with the ancient Babylonian custom of celebrating the resurrection of Nimrod, who was Adonia in; meaning the most high in persion,or Babylonian, on his birthday December 25, which is the winter solstice in the Roman culture.
The ancient Babylonians would cut an evergreen tree down and place two pieces of wood in the form of a cross or a plus sign, on the bottom of it to make it stand up in their homes, where they would deck it with silver and gold streams and place gifts underneath it. The cross or plus sign eventually became symbolic of Mithredath and salvation; as the ancient cult of Mithredath was a salvation cult, which believed in going to heaven or hell according to your deed in life; and it's followers were baptised in bulls blood, and had the sign of Mithredath tatood on their forehead. In the Roman culture Mithredath was changed to Mithrus and became the sun god as the Roman worshiped the invisible sun as the savior of the world, because they believed it brought salvation to all life.
This ancient Babylonian practice of placing the cross of Mithredath on the forehead has been re-enacted by the Universal Church of Rome in recent years on ash Wednesday. Although in previous years Roman Catholics only received a blot of ash on their forehead. But this in itself depicts the arrogance of the Universal Church to re-enact this ancient pagan practice, under the assumption that their followers and others are ignorant of this ancient pagan practice.
It is in fact the Cross of Mithredath that the modern day Cross of Jesus evolved from as it was the symbol the anastasians adopted for their salvation cult that they eventually called Christianity. This cross of Mithredath eventually had an extension place on the bottom, so that crusaders, and Dominicans, that sought out the Arians and followers of Yahshush ben David, that refused to convert, could display the cross of Mithredath when they proceeded through the streets, that all that saw them would know that they came in the authority of their God, which was represented by the cross of Mirthredath, and given the name of the Greek savior Ie suez.
Constantine who converted on his death bed, adopted the Cross of Mithredath, as he was a known worshiper of Methredath, and placed it on the shield of the Roman legions, and garrisons, in the form of two arrows displayed in the form of an X. This ultimately came from a demented ideology that since the Arch prince of vengeance and wrath, in the teaching of Judaism is Simiel and means strength of the left, then the cross of Mithredath was turned to the left, in order to symbolize bringing vengeance and wrath against the enemies of the newly founded Christian God. As well Jesus became the savior of the Roman legions; as iesuez was the savior of the ancient Greeks legions, and the savior God that Mark Anthony cleaved to when he was in battle, according to the letters on display in middle eastern museums from Cleopatra that bear the salutation (may ie suez be with you Mark).
With this understanding of the origination of Ancient Christianity is should be plain to see that the Swashtika is the cross of Mirthredath broken on all four sides, but from the right to the left. This in itself reveals a secret that has been kept from the very beginning of Christianity and consiquently forgotten thanks to 1300 years of selectively bread supremist roman catholic scholars dominating history, theology, and the educational system, and altering history to fulfil the expediencies of the ancient Roman church.
This secret was taken out of the Gospel when it was catholisized, and the teachings of heathen nation put into it. As the truth that is reveled in the Gospel and the testament of the deciples is, that the holy spirit of wisdom, that is hollowed by the name of Yahweh, in the ancient agnostic teachings, and the spirit of Adam, was placed in all flesh through the works of the saints. Through the laying on of hands, and the resurrection of the life that was eternal in their blood, through the inner marriage of the forced slavery or serfdom. So that Adam who lives inside all flesh eternally is able to make his enemies his footstool, by providing them with a delusion of grander, so that they eventually bring about their own destruction.
The spirit of Yahshuah ben David was placed in all flesh, in the 13th memory mansion of the mind, where Adam lived eternally in him, and took possession of his conciseness, and placed his conciense in the 5th memory mansion of the mind; which is spoken of as the abyss in the gnostic teachings, that will be opened in these last days, where the conscience of his ancestors that lived in sin was stored away so that he could preach the gospel to them, and they could be accepted into the 13th memory mansion of the mind where Adam’s kingdom is, and the conscience of our ancestors that lived in righteousness is stored away so they can be born again and become even more righteous, and eventually be born again immortal beings. These teaching were incorportated into the teachings of Zen buddism, as it originated during the time of Solomon, when Indonesia was part of the Kingdom of Israel.
This truth is difficult to understand or even believe, even though Yahshuah ben David taught as it is written ( in my fathers kingdom there are many mansions), and these mansions are memory mansions that are referred to as dry storage in the ancient oral traditions. This is why when Yahshuah ben David cast out demons, he told them to go to arid places, or that is to say; to return to the fifth memory mansion; of course the ancient anastasians did their damage to these teachings when they made them gnostic, and catholisized them so that in reality it is near impossible to understand this without many years of self education. And with modern day scholars insisting that any teaching that is not universal or (catholic) is false and cultic, it is highly possible that the truth of the gospel will never ever be published again, and any religion that dares to teach the true gospel will eventually be outlawed in America.
But Judaism is a religion that stresses wisdom being the principal thing in this existence, and encourages all to make growing in wisdom of all thing a life pilgrimage, but this is not necessarily the truth in other religions.
In as much as the Holy spirit of Judah is located on the right side of the brain where Adam’s kingdom is, in the agnostic teachings, the swashtika is broken from right to left to symbolize Yahshuah ben David, who is now called by the name of Adam; destroying his enemies who perverted what he and his Holy father Adam taught, by providing them wiht a delusion, so that they eventually bring about their own destruction and are exposed; in as much as the truth of Messiah that was concealed by ancient supremist Christianity, was that Adam took possession of Yahshuah ben David’s body, which was one and the same genetically, when he was ressurected, so that he might regain the glory of his kingdom that he fell short of when he became a mortal being, so that he might rule as the king of this universe from the heavens above, and his son Yahshuah ben David sat in his thrown in his kingdom that is within us and reigns in his stead, here on earth, and makes his enemies his footstool, by providing them with a delusion of grandeur. But he is now called by the name of Adam and not Jesus, Yahshuah, or anything else. As it is Written (to him that overcometh, will I make him a pillar in the temple of my god, and he shall go nomore out: and I will write upon him the name of my god, and the name of the city of my god, which is new Jeruselem, which cometh down out of heaven from my god: and I will write upon him my new name. (Apocolypse-revelation 3:12 Latin gnostic most widely accepted)
How can this be sustantiated, the fact is that the traditional word used in Judaism for messiah, which is Masiach, which correlated to Christios in the Greek, and means annointed, does not correlate to the english messiah. The fact is that the word messiah comes from the ancient semitic Meshekinyah. This word literaly means the king that is brought forth through the divine intervention of the holy shekinyah. This word breaks down linguisticaly to Me, shekina, and Yah. (Me) meaning a king, (shekina) meaning armies or legions, and commonly past of by the gnostics as voo doo black magic to conceal the divine intervention by the shekinyah who went before Israel and delivered them from their enemy, when the were given the promise land, so they would not have commit heresy of the command to not kill, and of course (Yah) being the short form abbriviation for Yahweh, in the sense of the seven arch princes where the holy spirit of wisdom comes from, as the word Yahweh is used in many different application, and is used in the sense of the seven arch princes in this one. Therefore this ultimately means that Adam who is the king and holy one of Israel in the ancient teachings, was born again through the divine intervention of the holy shekinyah, so that he could teach torah to his children first hand, straight from the horses mouth; so to speak.
This is the true understanding of what the swastika actually is, but what it has been made to symbolize, is not much more than a joke at best, and a product of pure propaganda. For in reality is it a symbol that represents the truth, that there is neither Jew, nor gentile, nor sythian nor barbarian, but all men are now Israel, and subject to the curse of the law. As it is written ( once you have murdered messiah afresh you have nothing left to look forward to save the fiery wrath of the holy one) and that is Adam who lives within you eternally and guides you in wisdom in return for obeying the commands, or provides you with a delusion so that you are caught up in your heresy, and bring about your own destruction.
And as the swashtika is a symbol that represents an ideology, it promotes ideology, or idol worship, and the wisdom of men that is condemned in the gospel as well as torah. It is the fleshly, or carnal(carnivorious) spirit that reasons like an animal, by the images it sees and the words and phases it hears, that reacts to the image of the swashtika, and the ideologies that are now connected to it in this day and age, and it is that spirit of man that condemns him. As it is written in that ancient Septuagint (Jer. 17:5 cursed is the man who puts his faith in men for wisdom and his strength in the flesh.),and again (If you dilegently seek the holy one he will guide you to wisdom and knowledge of all things, but if you don’t he will provide you with a powerful delusion. James 1:2 Greek codex [abolish by Cristianity in recent decades). But that is where the world is today, and it is no wonder that society decays around us. As in the sixties American believed that true wisdom came from within,and put their faith in it; and it lead to a civil rights movement, and a peace movement that made America a wonderful place to live. But now that is gone, and it is back to the way it use to be. And the best that religious leaders, and experts can do is point the finger at everyone else except themselves.
Even though the scriptures have been Catholosized and perverted, there is still truth in it for those who truly seek it, and with an advocate that lives with us all eternally, and can enter into the holies of holy were the conscienceness of the seven arch princes is stored away, in seven memory mansions in the righrt side of the brain, which is the holy spirit of wisdom, and Yahweh, where he can ask forgiveness for our sins. and is ready to give wisdom according to their will, that far exceeds the impotent wisdom of men, and that truth that was once stolen from us will be reveled to those who seek it. And to those who don’t the delusion that was promised from the beginning will be given and you will eventually bring about your own destruction, and have no right to complain. As it is written (knock and the door will be opened, ask and you will recieve). This is the true test of weather Adam does live within us eternaly waiting to ask the holy fathers for forgive you of your sins, and guide you to wisdom of all things. But the question is "will you believe."
Yahshalom Lochiem
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